Efficiënte verwerking van heterogene IoT-data aan de hand van expressieve redeneertechnieken

A query model for ontology-based event processing over RDF streams

Context-aware patient monitoring through sensor streams

Streaming MASSIF : cascading reasoning for efficient processing of iot data streams

In the Internet of Things (IoT), multiple sensors and devices are generating heterogeneous streams of data. To perform meaningful analysis over multiple of these streams, stream processing needs to support expressive reasoning capabilities to infer …

The MASSIF platform : a modular and semantic platform for the development of flexible IoT services

In the Internet of Things (IoT), data-producing entities sense their environment and transmit these observations to a data processing platform for further analysis. Applications can have a notion of context awareness by combining this sensed data, or …

Generic semantic platform for the user-friendly development of intelligent IoT services

User-friendly and scalable platform for the design of intelligent IoT services : a smart office use case