Learning semantic rules for intelligent transport scheduling in hospitals

Mining semantic rules for optimizing transport assignments in hospitals

Semantic context consolidation and rule learning for optimized transport assignments in hospitals

The increase of ICT infrastructure in hospitals offer opportunities for cost reduction by optimizing workflows, while maintaining quality of care. This work-in-progress poster details the AORTA system, which is a semantic platform to optimize …

User-friendly and scalable platform for the design of intelligent IoT services : a smart office use case

Evaluation and optimized usage of OWL 2 reasoners in an event-based eHealth context

Event-driven rule-based reasoning using EYE

Ontology reasoning using rules in an eHealth context

Traditionally, nurse call systems in hospitals are rather simple: patients have a button next to their bed to call a nurse. Which specific nurse is called cannot be controlled, as there is no extra information available. This is different for …

Semantic intelligence for real-time automated media production

OCareClouds: improving home care by interconnecting elderly, care networks and their living environments